Monthly Archives: April 2010

don’t be afraid

Let it be said, that I feel like I have become jaded with this shit!

I admit it, I am getting semi sick of all of it.

Yea, I’ve heard that poem before, that spoken word artist yell about change and justice.

The stories of our people, the injustices being told over and over and over again.

Here comes another rally, get the bullhorn ready.

Tired, Jaded, Tired, Faded,

Is it just me?

 I’m just struggling, I’m just juggling,

being anti-imperialist, yet being a pawn in their game.

Makibaka, El pueblo unido,

Do not be afraid, the People United

do not be afraid… do not be afraid

as I recite this over and over in my mind I have come to realize that I am not jaded,

I’ve just found a new level of struggle.

A struggle within myself

The revolution in an individual will come in stages.

stage 1: enlightenment: the what the fuck? the why haven’t I learned this shit? the I need to do something about it


stage 3: balancing: the finding the balance of personal wants and needs yet continue the fight

I can’t continue the stages, because I don’t know what happens after that.

The revolution does not happen over night,

and all the stages work like gears

my stage 3 just so happens to meet again with folks from stage 2 and stage 1 over and over again.

These gears keep the movement going

Each one needs another to keep it growing

So as I let this personal struggle pass

I continue to chant Makibaka Huwag Ma Takot … Keep the struggle, don’t be afraid